Sunflowers (before I knew how to photograph my paintings)
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Welcome To My Blog!
I’m looking forward to sharing my life as a full-time artist from behind-the-scenes! It’s quite the roller-coaster and very colorful!I love (almost) every moment of it and learn something new every day.
I have always needed to have a creative project of some kind going on. Creating something was my "reward" for the more mundane, daily tasks of life - something to look forward to and relax into when the not-so-fun stuff was finished. But I'm not a dabbler. If I'm going to spend my time on something, I'm "all in". Painting pushed all the right buttons for me - my obsession with color, my need to make something original and unique, my need for a finished product, and my thirst for learning. Not to mention, my love of beautiful art!
One of my first paintings that hangs in my family room today!
Thank you for following me on this unpredictable and exciting journey! I have lots to talk about - what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, why I'm doing it, along with a healthy dose of overcoming obstacles that sometimes get in the way of my doing it. I'll also share my favorite tools and supplies, studio tips, my favorite artists, and answer any questions you post here. My goal os to post at least once a week, so check back often! You can also follow me on social media by clicking on the buttons to the left and sign up for my newsletter! You'll be the first to know when new paintings are available or a new blog post is up. And take a moment to comment below – I would love to hear from you!